after a year of growing it out, 2 hours of cutting, and 13 inches gone, i'm quite satisfied with this fresh change. i didn't even tell anyone i was going to do it, i'm surprised with myself! haha. i am going to miss my long hair though, it was fun tying it back in a bun. i even shed a tear after the first chop. but we all have to move on :-)
you look really good regardless. and i like how your paragraph almost sounds like a metaphor of life in general... GOOD JOB.
looks so cute! xxx
I like it, your new cut :)!
I like it!
I've got really long hair, like 80 cm, and I don't know what to do with it!
Very cute! I recently cut my hair shorter, and now I'm thinking I may want to go really short, like Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby short. That would take some deep breathing first ;)
Great change!
It's a refreshing new look!
your new hairstyle is great!
i like!
Looks waaaay better. For me. :D
I think it suits you! This post reminded me I need to get one too! :)
i love before and after pics! your new haircut is very cute, i like it. it suits you! :)
i love before and after pics! your new haircut is very cute, i like it. it suits you! :)
You look great in both! I always seem to go thru some inner change when doing a big haircut. Do you feel different?
i was sad at first. i miss it, but i dont regret it. haha
growing up, i have always such a habit of change, ecspecially my hair. i had a different hair stlye ALL the time...so growing it out in patience was probably the longest self restrain i ever had to do. i enjoyed it, but chopping it all off was very....i dont know how to say. releaving in a sense?
new. fresh. you know how new hair cuts feel!
haha sorry. but to answer you question: no, i actually dont feel that much different. haha, i thought it would hurt more
Aren't haircuts fantastic? just like your blog :)
you look good. brighter.
have a good day :)
you look cute either way! i love how your face radiates peace :)
love the new style!! i think you look great with short hair!!!
You look so much smarter, and better looking!
hihi, I thought you were a woman, while I made a walk into your blog.
(but I'm not very good englishspeaking, that's why ?)
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