i am still having the best birthday week ever! it keeps getting better! after a long 9 hour work day on saturday, two of my friends took me out to a club, but before we walked in, ALL of my friends jumped out and surprised me! it was so sweet of them to organize that for me, and we had an amazing time dancing the night away! and after we also went night-swimming in my friends pool :-)
and today, me and my friend Matt spent a nice afternoon together. we went on top of his roof, overlooking the city, and just talked about everything in life. we then went on a nice hike in the valley behind his house. everything was so beautiful, from the crisp wind to all the flowers in bloom and all the native birds singing.
i have not immersed myself in nature like this in so long. i hope you enjoy these photos of our islands tropical forests, since many of you live in places with forests that have beautiful 4 seasons. it's nice to be friends with people across the world, and share our different environments :-)

i also wanted to share with you, this dish i made the other day. it was string beans cooked in a pumpkin sauce, on top of over-easy eggs, on top of rice. it was very delicious!
and to end my weekend off right, i watched the 'Oto Na Ri' movie which arrived at my doorstep the other day along with the other DVD i bought ('Peeping Life'). i must say, Otonari was such a great movie!! i laughed, i cried, i felt many things...its such a beautiful movie with a great story line! and my favourite part about the film was the heavy importance of the song 'Kaze Wo Atsumete'. they always hummed it in their apartments, and there was also a pretty instrumental version of the song playing in one of the scenes. i love that song so much.
it's quite similar to Bali, i'm surprised. kinda humid too yah?
Ah, should find the movie :) the song is in the lost in translation ost, isn't?
actually where he lives there is very cold! because it is in a valley
yes sun, you will love the movie too i know!
yep its well knows from LIT!
so this is a lush hawaiian jungle huh! looks like a great place for exploring.
what does your left-arm tattoo say?
love the pictures!
love how you dress too! :D
I can feel the warmth in those pictures!
;< where's that sunshine here?
the rain won't go away. as much as I like rain, it's been all dark and gloomy since Friday. Weather really affects your mood, ne?
continue to celebrate through out the year!
ooo looks so gorgeous! I wish I was there! You lucky thing! I am so happy you had such a delightful time! You deserve it! xxx
And I love that Kaze wo atsumete song! It's in Lost in Translation too ne~!
Love Love
Hello (omote)sando
You are having a really good time! Nice friends, nice places and amazing moments.
reading your posts always make me so happy! the food looks so yummy, how did you make the pumpkin sauce, can you share recipe?
oh wow these are so lovely i wish i could be there right now! but i will be going to okinawa next month, so i will be able to see something that might be a little similar to these perhaps! yay!
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hey! just clicked into your site via hanna's blog and was greeted by the exact same music i had on my blog a few weeks ago!! it goes with your site and your lovely photos so well :)
what a very nice place to live :)
i love the photos! well, i live in tropic too.
you should come to my hometown, in enrekang, sulawesi, indonesia next time. ;)
Lovely photos. You sure do find the most wonderful simple footwear. I still can't find espadrilles that look anything like the ones you featured in a previous post, all the ones I found are high heel impractical versions. Love the huaraches too
looks like hawaii
world of sekimachihato:
my tattoo is of my Lao name. it means the morning sunrise/first light :-)
aww thank you!!
i hope sunshine comes your way! you deserve it :-)
hello sando:
hai hai! airgatou ebonichan!
see hear say:
the recipe is simple!! pumpkin and coconut milk! :-D happy cooking!
eee!! okinawaikitai!!!
oh cool! we like the same music! what a coincedence! great minds think alike ;-P
another indonesian friend! haah thanks for visiting my blog!
thank you! hmmm ya i dont know a specific place to buy those simple espidrilles. how about TOMS? they have a similar look/feel :-)
it is Hawaii, i live here :-)
very nice! i also love kaze wo atsumete - we were listening to it just the other day, on the lost in translation soundtrack - great stuff!
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i love ur sandals and i love that song too!
its playing at the cafe and alot of customers come up to me to ask about it.
hawaii is even more beautiful through your point of view.
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