i'm pretty sure most of us has already seen Nobody Knows, but i thought it would be appropriate to post this since i changed the music on my blog to one of the main songs from the film. director Hirokazu Koreeda makes such beautiful & simple life-like films. i also mentioned his other film Still Walking (歩いても 歩いても). such a beautiful blend of sunlight + Japan.
Hi. I fell in here from Norway. What a wonderful blog, soooo beautiful pictures accompanied with such lovely music. That music made me want to see that movie. Thank you for inspiering me.
Nobody Knows is amazing! I have to see Still Walking.
oh, i loved this movie. my brother gave it to me just before my trip to Japan.
Whaou ! I love this movie and "Still walking" !
ludo land:
greetings to norway all the way from hawaii! thank you so much for stopping by my blog, im so happy you like it! i highly sugest you see the movie :-)
i also like how Still Walking isnt as sad a Nobody Knows. NK is really pretty, but super sad! haha, SW is much more lighter :-)
chi + piou:
im glad we like this movie to have in common! :-D
The movie was so real. Too true. My heart wretched. I almost cannot watch this movie anymore. Beauty and sadness. The children were such amazing actors. It was effortless. Truly a work of art. One every person should watch at least once.
i totally agree with you. i find myself turning off the DVD after a certain point. its too much to watch in its entirety over and over.
yea Koreeda-san is wonderful!
though the story itself is so sad and kind of depressing but he made it really beautiful. the kids were amazing, they were terrific in the film!
his new film 空気人形 is coming soon!
へええ~! おもしろいそう,でもちょっとへんなの...みたいこれ! ありがとうひきさん!
i saw daremoshirenai by chance recently -absolutely amazing. mesmerizing!
i love nobody knows, will have to check out his other movie :)
when i first saw the title 空気人形 on its press kit, i read it like 菊人形, and i cracked myself up. (菊人形 are very real-looking dolls dressed in kiku flowers.)
anyway, i remember watching nobody knows in the theater and shedding some tears, but the guy who was sitting near us was literally bawling. it's that sad of a story.
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